"Sensory Odyssey -
Sentir mundo - An Immersive Journey"
("Feel and Smell the World")
"Sensory Odyssey -
Sentir mundo -
An Immersive Journey"
("Feel and Smell the World")
at the Museo do Amanhã in Rio de Janeiro from January 30th 2024 to June 2nd 2024

"Sensory Odyssey -
Sentir mundo -
An Immersive Journey"
("Feel and Smell the World")
at the Museo do Amanhã in Rio de Janeiro from January 30th 2024 to June 2nd 2024

"Join us on this extraordinary multi-continental adventure with Sensory Odyssey as our exhibition ventures from Paris, journeys through Asia, and now makes its way to the Americas."
Gwenael Allan
Co-founder, Sensory Odyssey
"Join us on this extraordinary multi-continental adventure with Sensory Odyssey as our exhibition ventures from Paris, journeys through Asia, and now makes its way to the Americas."
Gwenael Allan
Co-founder, Sensory Odyssey

"Join us on this extraordinary multi-continental adventure with Sensory Odyssey as our exhibition ventures from Paris, journeys through Asia, and now makes its way to the Americas."
Gwenael Allan
Co-founder, Sensory Odyssey